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Page updated 22.4.2024
People sitting in an event. Red box with yellow text: Your chance to influence! The Alumni Ambassador Programme

The Alumni Ambassador Programme – Your chance to influence!

The alumni ambassador programme gives you an opportunity to share what’s going on in the working life back to Turku UAS. Through this connection with the alumni ambassadors, Turku UAS wishes to increase the visibility of the alumni activities and develop the education in the future.

Now you have a chance to be part of the core team which can influence on the future of the alumni activities and take the visibility of the alumni activities to the next level. At the same time, you will have an excellent opportunity to strengthen your own expertise and expand your networks. No matter whether you are a recently graduated or the years have passed since your last contact with Turku UAS.

The alumni ambassador programme will continue again next autumn in 2024. The Ambassadors are asked to commit to the programme for the academic year (autumn 2024 and spring 2025). The Ambassadors and Alumni Relations Coordinators have regular meetings about different topics to develop the alumni activities.  In addition, on the basis of individual interests, the Alumni Ambassadors can participate in different ways. More detailed descriptions of the various possibilities to participate can be found below.

How an alumni ambassador can participate?

Developing the alumni activities

Alumni are one of the most important stakeholders and working life partners of Turku UAS. Through the alumni activities Turku UAS supports the alumni in developing their competence, offering wider networks and giving a chance to influence at Turku UAS. Alumni activities should therefore meet the alumni's wishes and needs. 

The alumni ambassador programme was established to the development of the alumni activities. As an Ambassador, you will be able to bring forward your ideas on what activities the alumni need and want, as well as what alumni can bring from working life to UAS.

Increasing alumni visibility

“Alumni” is still an unfamiliar word to some people. However, each graduate is a Turku UAS alumnus/alumna and an important partner. One of the objectives of alumni ambassador programme is to increase the awareness and visibility of the alumni relations. As an Alumni Ambassador, you can show what alumni activities and working life connections really are by sharing your career story, organizing and participating in the alumni events and spread news about alumni activities within your network.

Cooperation with education in your field

The alumni also cooperate with the degree programmes by conveying their experiences from the working life and sharing their expertise. The alumni can help to shape the degree programmes to better meet the needs of working life. As an Alumni Ambassador, you can focus on developing alumni activities at the degree programme level.

Developing continuous learning of alumni

Continuous learning means the development and renewal of competence at the different stages of life and career. It refers to the forms of education which are offered to those who are not studying a degree. Continuous learning covers the tuition of the Open UAS, specialization training, separate right to study, preparatory training for immigrants and continuing professional education (subject to a charge).

Working life orientation should be the basis for the planning of continuous learning. Thus, it is essential for both students and businesses that the integration of studies into work is flexible and that the student can study when it is suitable for both parties. Turku UAS is developing its continuous learning offering constantly. 

As an Alumni Ambassador you can share your thoughts on what kind of continuous learning possibilities are needed in your field or in your business / organization.  

Performing in events

Turku UAS organises many events during the academic year for its interest groups, like the alumni. The events can be trainings, webinars, fairs, and networking events.

As an Alumni Ambassador, you can visit and/or share your expertise or tell about your career in these events on the basis of your own interest. You can e.g., be a speaker, tell your career story or host a panel discussion. 

Business cooperation with alumni or career and recruiting services

Turku UAS cooperates actively with companies and organizations. The companies and organizations can promote their job offerings, practical training and thesis places and project opportunities to students via Turku UAS career and recruiting services.

The Alumni Ambassadors can also cooperate with career and recruitment services or alumni relations as a company representative, for example, to promote their own business or their employer.