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Page updated 27.8.2024
Construction site stormwater management training

Construction site stormwater management training

In urban areas stormwater from construction sites is a considerable source of pollution. The problem of construction site stormwater has been recognised in Finland over the last 10 years, during which various guides have been published. In addition, many cities have published their own site water guidelines, the construction industry has an instruction on construction site stormwater management in its RT cards, and TUAS has published several guides and guidelines for municipalities, cities and construction companies.

In practice, however, the knowledge and implementation of construction site stormwaterwater management solutions is lacking.  TUAS has monitored the construction site stormwaterwater management in previous projects in the Turku region and found many shortcomings in stormwater management at construction sites. Discussions with construction companies and contractors have shown that there is still a need for information and knowledge on sites and that existing guides and guidelines are not well known on sites. There was also a clear message from the sites that there are no requirements from the customers for site water management. 
The aim of the project is to raise awareness and competence in site water management by creating a web-based qualification training for contractors and contractors, and to raise awareness of the need for site water management among customers and developers. The online training includes the following sections:

  • General information on construction site stormwaters and their harmful effects
  • General information on the prevention and management of construction site stormwater
  • How to develop a stormwater management plan for construction sites
  • Implemantation and monitoring of the stormwater management plan

As part of the project, the online training and site water management will be actively promoted to construction companies and contractors. The project will also raise awareness among clients and developers to require and evaluate site water plans, and to consider site water management already at the procurement stage. A guide will also be developed to support the assessment process, which can be used by the contractor.  

Raising awareness and knowledge of the harm, prevention and management of on-site water is important to improve the quality of on-site water. Improving the awareness of customers and developers on the harmful effects of on-site water and getting them to consider on-site water management already at the contracting stage will engage the construction sector in improving on-site water management.