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Page updated 20.5.2024
Comprehensive cyber security of water supply in Southwest Finland

Comprehensive cyber security of water supply in Southwest Finland

Water supply is an important part of critical infrastructure. Today, society's essential functions and services depend on digital systems and networks. Water management organizations are increasingly utilizing digitalization and cloud-based systems. Cyber threats can seriously affect these systems and cause widespread problems. Cooperation in cyber security between all actors in the supply chain strengthens the resilience of the entire water supply ecosystem.

The Comprehensive Cyber Security of Water Supply in Southwest Finland project, coordinated by Turku University of Applied Sciences, comprehensively supports the development of cyber security in Turku and Southwest Finland. The aim of the project is to develop the information and cyber security of water supply organizations and to disseminate the knowledge and expertise gained to water supply operators in nearby municipalities to develop broader regional cooperation. The project will develop the administrative and technical cyber security capabilities of water supply organizations, improve information security testing capabilities and train personnel. The project works in close cooperation with the National Cyber Security Centre.