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Page updated 11.3.2020

Itslearning is TUAS’ new learning environment

TUAS invests in digital learning. There is already a commendable amount of online degrees and their demand is on the rise. Digital education requires modern platforms and tools e.g. for learning analytics. Itslearning, which is owned by Sanoma Oyj, was selected as TUAS’ new learning environment.

Itslearning supports cloud-based learning at Finnish higher education institutions

Itslearning is an internationally acclaimed supplier of cloud-based learning management systems. The company operates in nine countries, and the itslearning applications have over 6 million users, from basic to higher education and corporate education.

“Our service is extensively used in the other Nordic countries, where cloud-based learning management systems have been utilized for years”, says the Managing Director of itslearning, Kenneth Vuorinen.  

“In discussions with several Finnish higher education institutions it has clearly emerged that many online learning environments have become outdated and maintaining them is no longer appropriate or cost-effective.”

TUAS is the second Finnish higher education institution to start using itslearning as its learning environment.

“We are very proud and excited about that one of the most important universities of applied sciences in Finland, TUAS, has selected us as its partner. Their selection indicates our leading position in the market and ensures that the teaching and development work according to TUAS’ strategy is possible now and in the future”, Vuorinen says.

Eyes on the future of education

“The future learning environments project started at the end of 2018. During the project, the prerequisites for digital learning were discussed thoroughly, as were the digital solutions which best facilitate mixed-mode teaching and studying. The selection process of the learning environment was not just about comparing different platforms”, says Project Manager, Senior Lecturer Susanna Saari from TUAS. 

The project team included IT and pedagogy experts as well as a representative from Student Union TUO. This ensured that the digital learning solutions were considered from multiple perspectives.

“Our work is guided by innovation pedagogy, a learning approach which emphasizes teamwork. Itslearning is a platform which seamlessly supports the most important cornerstones of Innopeda®”, Saari says.