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Page updated 8.2.2019

Intensified cooperation in education between Turku University of Applied Sciences and Brazil

The aim is to strengthen further the cooperation in education between Brazil and TUAS. These were the words of the Brazilian ambassador, who visited Turku. Brazilian higher education institutions are especially interested in the learning concepts and methods developed at TUAS, which highlight innovation competencies.

Text and photos: Martti Komulainen

During his visit, the Brazilian ambassador suggested online studies in the Portuguese language for Finnish higher education students and the online course “How to do business in Brazil” to strengthen the cooperation in education.
The visit of the Brazilian ambassador, Antonio Francisco da Costa e Silva Neto, and the Director of the Brazil-Finland Cultural Center, Diego Rafael Alves Barros, culminated the training period in which the staff of Brazilian higher education institutions participated in innovation pedagogy training. Almost 20 representatives from higher education institutions, e.g. from the Universidade de Caxias do Sul, participated in the three-day training.
Innovation pedagogy, developed and used by TUAS, is an operating and thinking model of learning. It emphasizes learning together through a variety of methods, in a multidisciplinary manner, in a problem- and working life oriented way and by combining studies, R&D projects and working life. It offers means for developing working life and innovation competences.
Innovation pedagogy has aroused extensive international interest. In addition to Brazil, training has been organized e.g. in Indonesia and Poland. In March, Executive Lecturer Liisa Kairisto-Mertanen will present innovation pedagogy in São Paulo, at the largest educational conference in Brazil.